Friday, January 9, 2009

The Second Coming Of Jesus (Part 2)

In my last posting I started my reason why I believe you can trust that Jesus will one day come back to this earth. His return is a well taught doctrine of the bible, and in the last posting we saw that great men like the Apostle Paul and the young Evangelist Timothy believed this. Over and over in the bible they record verses that strengthen their belief. So, I believe them because they were so strong in the faith that they must have it on good authority that he will come again, and I believe them that much.

So, if I believe the bible admonitions that he will someday return, I must consider, “How will he return?” First, his return is going to be personal. He, himself, will come back to highlight this great event. He is not going to send his angels back; he will not send the Old Testament saints: but he will come back. The Apostle Luke recorded the two men in white appeal, saying, “This same Jesus, who was taken up to heaven, will so come …” This same Jesus not another one; not one who has been fixed from all the wounds and scars; the same one that went into heaven will so come again. In 1 Thessalonians 4, the Apostle Paul backs up this statement when he says, “The Lord himself will descend from heaven …” He was going to expect Jesus to personally return.

Second, he will come on a cloudy day or in the clouds. I tend to believe he will make clouds for himself as Revelation 1:17 says, "Behold, He is coming with clouds..." I do not know the significant point this makes, but the writers of the bible wanted this point known. In the book of Acts, when the men in white apparel gave their statement they said, “This same Jesus...will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven,” in verse eleven which refers to verse nine, “He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight.” The most pointed verse in the bible has to do with the great catching away of believers, or the event we call the rapture says we will meet him in the clouds (1 Thessalonians 4:17). So, whatever the significant point this makes; you can expect there to be clouds when Jesus comes again!

And the third point, he is coming without warning! Peter reminds his readers in the second letter he writes to believers that “the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night.” A thief comes when no one is expecting him. He sneaks in and gets the valuables and goes as soon as he can. That is how Jesus will come; no warning, no announcement of his return, no introduction. He will just come to earth; get the valuables, his followers; and go back to heaven.

Of course, this unexpected coming of the Lord will not surprise the faithful, who seriously watch for the Lord's coming (cf. 1Th 5:4-11). With joyful anticipation, they await the personal return of their Savior. What will happen when the Lord returns? Will you be surprised; will you be ready?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Second Coming Of Jesus (Part 1)

Every conversation I have with a church member always come around to the Second Coming of the Lord and End Times events; so I want to present this lesson to give a clear understanding of where I stand on the Second Coming of Jesus. People have wrote and preached on this concept for centuries; and he still has not come. But since the time he walked the earth and ascended to heaven men have been looking for him to come back, longing for his leadership over them. We often forget that he is coming back and begin living our lives in sin; guided by the enemy of mankind.

The first thing one need to remember about his coming is; there is a certainty of his coming. As he descended up to heaven the angels proclaimed it. In Acts 1:9-11, it says the "two white apparel" Who said that "This same Jesus, who was taken up from into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven." Now the question comes; are you going to believe the written account of Luke about angels? Almost everyone believes in angels. There are angels that people believe watches over one to keep bad things from happening; there is no problem accepting your guarding angel, so why do you have problem accepting the account of the angels that Luke wrote about.

Then, there is the testimony of the writing of the Apostle Paul as he wrote to the Corinthian church in passages like 1 Corinthians 15:22-23 and the Thessalonians when he wrote “so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints.”

The young evangelist, Timothy in his second letter, which was made into a book of the bible with his name in, 2 Timothy 4:1 he wrote, “I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom:”

It is sure that there is proof of the certainty of his return. Great men like the Apostle Paul and Timothy, who were two of the greatest workers in the early church, would have staked their life on his return. Just as throughout the Old Testament one finds the recurring theme "The Messiah is coming!", so in the New Testament we find not only "He has come!" but also "He is coming again!"

To the certainty of His coming, we can add...
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